Chiropractor Tips for How to Stop Waking Up with Back Pain
There are several pros and cons to our sleeping habits and positions. Some positions can be harmful to your spine and neck and cause other health issues such as obstructive sleep apnea/snoring, acid reflux and planter fasciitis. Here are a few sleeping posture tips from our family chiropractors to help improve the quality of your daily sleeping method.
1. Give Back Sleeping a Try
Many doctors, including those in chiropractic services, agree that back sleeping is the best option to a good night’s rest. This may be a difficult habit to start for many, but it is the supreme way to keep your spine in a neutral position. For best practices while sleeping on your back, you should place a pillow under your knees or a rolled towel under your lower back to maintain the spine’s general curvature. An ideal pillow height for your head is 4 to 5 inches to keep a natural alignment. (PRO TIP: roll up a bath towel and place it under your neck while sleeping on your back!)
2. Side Sleeping Recommendations
Side sleeping is a very popular sleeping position among many people. If you are a side sleeper, try and remain as straight as possible. This can be difficult for some, so if you are having difficulties try using a pillow between your legs for support and to help keep your hips a natural width apart to avoid back or knee pain. Finally, keep your arms in front of you instead of under your pillow, this will reduce stress on your neck and shoulders and prevent your hands from going numb.
3. “Just Say No” to Sleeping on Your Stomach
Sleeping on your stomach can force the neck into awkward positions which can lead to curving of the spine. This can lead to pain in your upper back and neck areas.
Remember, your sleep habits impact mood, energy and overall health. If you find yourself in discomfort after waking up, contact us and Dr. Chester will get you on your way to feeling better!